Angļu–latviešu medijpratības vārdnīca
A | ||
Access | The ability of media consumers to create, propose, get acknowledged their texts and to respond to dominant (mass) media | piekļuve |
Agenda-setting | The role of media to create (lists of) topics for publics to think and talk about | darba kārtības noteikšana |
Analog | A medium with physical characteristics and presence | analogs |
Audience | The imagined and real receivers of the media message | auditorija |
Author | Creator or producer of the message, holder of CR | autors |
B | ||
Bias | Partial, preferring attitude or prejudice | aizspriedums |
Blog | A frequently updated online journal or column | blogs, emuārs, tīmekļa žurnāls, tīmekļa dienasgrāmata |
Brand | The mark by which a commodity in the marketplace is known (primarily for the image) | zīmols |
Broadcasting | Production and delivery of media content for broad audiences by using airwaves | tālraide |
C | ||
Cablecasting | Delivery of media (in a form of narrowcasting produced) content through underground of overhead cables | kabeļraidīšana |
Censorship | suppressing of a text or part of it unacceptable to (often ideological) standards | cenzūra |
Commercial | An advertisement included with another broadcast | reklāma |
Connotation | Meaning added by the audience on the basis of association, often connected to value system, culture or ideology | konotācija |
Construction | The creation of a (design and meaning of a) media text through variety of decisions aimed of keeping audience interested | konstruēšana |
Consumers | The audience of a commercial media text responding with commercial activity | patērētāji |
Convergence | The merging of previously separate communication industries based on digital technology | saplūšana |
Copyright | Method of protection of the rights of an originator of a creative work through law | autortiesības |
Content creation | the development, design and contribution of information to any media for an end-user/audience | satura radīšana |
Critical | Reflecting on the intentions of the meaning, biases or value messages and other aspects of an object, image or text in a social context | kritisks |
Critical autonomy | The ability of the audience to read and interpret a media text taking in account the situation and social context in a way free from preferred reading | kritiskā autonomija |
Cut | A technique of editing allowing a transition between two images | montāža |
D | ||
Deconstruction | Identification of the meaning making elements within a text | dekonstrukcija |
Demographics | The (measurable) parametric description of the audience | demogrāfija |
Denotation | Common sense, direct meaning of a media text | denotācija |
Digital | Based on a method where information is reduced to digits and then reassembled for an exact reproduction | digitals |
Digital media | Electronic media using digital code | digitālie mediji |
Discourse | Interactive structuring of knowledge, ideas, or experience created by specific use of a language in concrete contexts | diskurss |
Docudrama | A film that combines documentary and fictional elements using facts and dramatizing them | dokudrāma |
Dominant | The intended (by authors) way of understanding a text | dominējošs |
E | ||
Edition | Form or version of publishing | izdevums, izlaidums |
Emotion | State of feeling influencing thought and behavior through physical and psychological changes | emocijas |
Entertainment | amusement or diversion provided especially by performers, something that entertains (a public performance) | izklaide |
Edutainment | Educational process provided in entertaining form | izglītojošā izklaide |
Evaluate | Determine value or significance by careful study | vērtēt |
Experiential | From experience, empirical | pieredzes |
Exposure | the condition of being subject to some effect or influence | eksponētība |
Expression | act or sign(s) of representation in a medium (e.g. language) | izteiksme |
F | ||
Face-to-face communication | Act of communication where sender and receiver are in direct contact | tiešā komunikācija |
Fact | an actual occurrence, a piece of information presented as having objective reality | fakts |
Fake news | News that are created to disinform, misinform and influence audience | viltus ziņas |
Feedback | Part of communication whereby a receiver can disagree, ask a question, repeat information for understanding, or talk back | atgriezeniskā saite |
G | ||
Gatekeepers | Persons able to control the flow of information and ideas | vārtu sargātāji |
GDPR | vispārīgā datu aizsardzības regula | |
Genre | A kind of a media text characterized by a particular style, form or content | žanrs |
H | ||
Hardware | The equipment used to produce, distribute and exhibit media texts | aparatūra |
Hegemony | Form of domination where subordinate groups are persuaded by dominant groups through the dominant ideology to maintain the status quo | hegemonija |
HTML (hypertext markup language) | Computer programming language that allows people to create links on the world wide web | |
I | ||
Ideology | The way of understanding of the world that involves an interaction between our individual psychologies and the social structures | ideoloģija |
Image | A type or a product of visual representation | attēls |
Immersive | Pertaining to the chrome-free UI presentation mode that fills all or a portion of the display | imersīvs |
Impact | The force of impression of one thing on another; a significant or major effect | ietekme |
Industry | Institutions and agents for (commercial) production of media texts | industrija |
Information | Knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction, meaning created from data | informācija |
Intention | Expected in future | nodoms |
Intertextuality | A condition where one media text making reference to another text(s) | intertekstualitāte |
M | ||
Mainstream media | Media oriented on the general public using the largest distribution channels | pamatplūsmas mediji |
Manipulation | to control or play upon by various means especially to one's own advantage | manipulācija |
Marketing | Selling of a (media) product to a target audience | mārketings |
Mass media | Media producing and delivering messages to large heterogeneous audiences | masu mediji, plašsaziņas līdzekļi |
Meaning | A thing that is conveyed, something meant in media text, denotation and connotation | nozīme |
Media agencies | Agencies, institutions, businesses who produce for media | mediju aģentūras |
Media content | Messages created and delivered to large audiences simultaneously | mediju saturs |
Media education | Learning of technical production skills associated with creating media texts and critical skills of consumption or deconstruction of texts | mediju izglītība |
Media languages | Media conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structures bringing meaning to the audience | mediju valodas |
Media literacy | The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms | medijpratība, mediju pratība |
Media targets | The audiences that are targeted, sold and delivered to advertisers | mediju mērķauditorija |
Media use | The way people interact with media | mediju lietojums |
Media | Any physical object(s) used to communicate | mediji |
Multimedia | a technique (such as the combining of sound, video, and text) for expressing ideas (as in communication, entertainment, or art) employing several media | multimediji |
Metadata | Information about the properties or structure of data | metadati |
Monopoly | One seller controling prices and supply of a product | monopols |
N | ||
Narrative | The way how the plot or story is told involving sequencing of events across the time and space | naratīvs |
Narrowcasting | Creation and delivery of media content for targeting of a specific segment of the audience | mērķkomunikācija |
Negotiate | Interaction of the audience to interpret, deconstruct and find meaning within a media text | vienoties |
O | ||
Objective | Information that is neutral, balanced (between viewpoints), precise, true and is not subjective | objektīvs |
Oppositional | A critical position based on a different ideology that the one represented in the media text | opozicionāls |
P | ||
Polysemous | Having more than one meaning | polisēmisks |
Prime time | A part of a radio or television schedule expected to attract the largest audience | pamatlaiks |
Product placement | Prominent display in a TV production or movie of branded product(s) by a company for fee | produktu izvietošana |
Propaganda | Media tex(s) with purpose to persuade an audience of a particular point of view | propaganda |
Psychographics | A form of demographics that includes information about the psychological and sociological characteristics of media consumers | psihogrāfija |
R | ||
Reach | Total number of different people or households exposed, at least once, to a medium during a given period | sasniedzamība |
Reading | A process of decoding symbols to derive meaning | lasīšana |
Reality, VR, AR, MR | A totality of real, non-derivative things and events, state of being real. A virtual reality (VR) is technologically simulated experience, an augmented reality (AR) is a interactive simulated experience of a real world enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, a mixed reality (MR) is an experience of real and simulated, virtual and augmented worlds | realitāte (virtuālā, paplašinātā, jauktā realitāte) |
Reception | Coming into possession by technology, mind and senses | saņemšana |
Representation | Constructing and putting of a media text to stand for, symbolize, describe or represent people, places, events or ideas | reprezentācija |
S | ||
Software | The programs written for computers | programmatūra |
Stereotypes | Media representations that are labeling members of social and cultural groups according some instantly recognized characteristics; they based an element of truth but often biased and negative | stereotipi |
Subtext | Indirect meaning of a media message | zemteksts |
Synergy | The combination of two separate media products so that one helps market the other | sinerģija |
T | ||
Target audience | A selected group that a media message is meant to reach | mērķauditorija |
Technology | The machinery, methods, tools and materials for production and communication of a media text that influences a construction and connotation of that text | tehnoloģija |
Text | A result of media production consisting of signs and symbols (a newspaper article, SMS, novel, song, music video, radio or TV program, podcast, movie etc.) | teksts |
V | ||
Virtual | Representated rather than real | virtuāls |
Visual literacy | The ability to analyze, evaluate, and interpret visual mesages | vizuālā pratība |
W | ||
World Wide Web | The network of pages of images, texts and sounds on the Internet accessed through a graphical user interface | globālais tīmeklis |
Fedorov A. Media and information literacy education dictionary //Moscow: ICO" Information for All. – 2017.
Silverblatt, Art, ed. The Praeger Handbook of Media Literacy [2 Volumes]. ABC-CLIO, 2013.