LT- Media Literacy, Reuse and Heritage in Education
Nordplus Horizontal 2018 project “Media Literacy, Reuse and Heritage in Education”. Project duration 2018-07-01 – 2019-08-31.
Media literacy in today's society is as important as ever. It is required by both the rapid development of technologies and their presence in our everyday life, as well as by the fact that with every new generation children get acquainted with media at an ever-younger age. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of a common understanding among educators about the importance of media literacy education and its use in the study process, especially in primary and secondary education. As with cultural education, media education should be integrated into the school curricula for children, in order to better familiarize them with the conditions, opportunities and challenges of the media-based world. This is also something that corresponds with the peculiarities of the perception of the world of young people nowadays.
Such an interdisciplinary approach in the formation of educational programmes is in line with the competency-based learning, which is being introduced in Latvia at the moment. Integration of media education into literature, history, or math, for example, can already be found in several education programmes in museums. Good examples are also found in the institutions of general education across countries of the Baltic Sea Region; however, as already mentioned before, many educators still lack the knowledge and motivation of using media into the content of their curricula. Similarly, there is a lack of a common overview of good practices that are already being implemented both within and across countries, which could inspire even more educators to take over the best examples. We are in need of a systematic approach that would bring together the teachers of the region together and develop a common approach to the introduction of media in educational programmes.
Partners: University of Tampere (FI), the Latvian Academy of Culture National Film School (LV), the Animation Workshop VIA University College (DK), Estonian Film Institute (EE), Estonian Film Museum (EE), Vilnius University (LT)…